Congregation of the Mission

Cultural Diversity in One Faith: St. Mary’s Parish, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA

Two videos about St. Mary’s Catholic Parish, located in Greensboro, NC and served by the Vincentian Family.

Fundraising for CM Senior Priests’ Health Care in Indonesia

An event was held in Surabaya, Indonesia to raise funds for the Congregation of the Mission senior priests’ health care.

Congregation of the Mission Martyrs of the French Revolution (September 2)

Blessed Louis-Joseph François, Blessed Jean-Henri Gruyer, Blessed Pierre-René Rogue, Blessed Jean-Charles Caron, and Blessed Nicolas Colin were martyred along with many others during the French Revolution on September 2 and 3, 1792 after they refused to take an oath that would have placed them under the authority of the state.

Fr. Valeriano Güemes, C.M., to be Declared a “Servant of God”

The celebration of this declaration will take place on August 12 in a Pontifical Mass to be officiated by the Bishop of Berhampur (India).

Address of the Holy Father to Participants in the General Chapters of the Congregation of the Mission and Other Religious Orders

Address of the Holy Father to Participants in the General Chapters of the Congregation of the Mission and Other Religious Orders

Pope Francis underlines the importance of evangelization, saying that it should be oriented towards witnessing and proclaiming the Gospel, in his address to the members of the Order of the Mother of God, the Basilian Order of St. Josaphat and the Congregation of the Mission as they hold their General Chapters.