Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Jesus is the one the Father has anointed with the Holy Spirit.  Hence, he cannot but baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire, and do good.  The baptized are to do the same. John the Baptist is simple and humble.  He does not want to let down those he has baptized or...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Manifestations, Revelations, Apparitions

Jesus is the best and the fullest of God’s manifestations to us humans.  It is enough to see and know him to see and know God. The word “epiphany” comes Greek and means “manifestation,” “revelation,” “apparition.”  And there are manifestations and manifestations. ...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Keep Jesus Christ in Our Hearts

Jesus is the Son of God and the Brother of all men and women.  To belong to his family means to keep in the heart his teaching. Twelve-year old Jesus sits in the midst of the teachers.  He listens and asks them questions; all who hear him are amazed.  No doubt, it is...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Find Jesus Christ on the Outskirts

Jesus is born on the outskirts of Bethlehem, in a shelter for animals in bad weather.  There, yes, is where to find and touch him, and be touched by him. “Poignant and powerful, this is a real song, maybe just too real for some tastes.”  It is one of the many comments...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Rejoice in the Lord, for He is Near

Jesus is near.  He will rule the world and all peoples with justice.  Hence, those who wait for him, and seek his kingdom, rejoice. The prophet Zephaniah bids those whom God has chosen to rejoice and sing with joy.  For the Lord who fights for them and frees them is...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Outskirts of Large Cities and Towns

Jesus has become poor so that we may be rich by his poverty.  He chooses but the poor on the outskirts to witness to him. The word of God comes to John in the desert, on the outskirts.  That is to say, the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah is the prophet of the Most...

Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire

Brim with Jesus’ Justice and Love

Jesus is King David’s just shoot.  He comes to make the earth brim with justice.  How he wishes that we get the name “Lord-Our-Justice.” Monsieur Jean Gicquel, —he means well, though he picks the wrong time—, cannot but brim with zeal to help Monsieur Vincent.  The...