The beginning of a new decade seems to offer wider possibility and a new hope to me. For whatever reason, the number 2020 seems positive!
Pat Griffin, CM
A Vincentian View: A Wider Holy Family
I amused myself with the thought that the “Christmas cards” of Mary and Joseph might look like the traditional religious cards that we sometimes use.
A Vincentian View: A Generous Heart
Sometimes you see something that captures your imagination and dominates your thinking for a while. That happened to me recently.
A Vincentian View: The Decision to be Grateful
We need to be grateful for all the blessings that we receive and to express that awareness aloud in words and through deeds.
A Vincentian View: Building Up the Other
Serving at a Catholic and Vincentian University offers me many opportunities to affirm and support our young sisters and brothers. Let us lift up our young, our future.
A Vincentian View: Pouring Out One’s Life
For someone who suffered as much as Paul, one must notice with what peace he looks toward the future.
A Vincentian View: A Too Merciful God
Understand Jonah! He complains that the Lord is too merciful!
A Vincentian View: A Man Had Two Sons
Listen carefully (again) to the first line of the parable: “A man had two sons.” Until the account of both sons receives a hearing, the telling cannot be completed or properly understood.
A Vincentian View: A Focus on Labor
I find a very Vincentian spirit in Labor Day. From the beginning, Louise and Vincent were serious about being hard workers themselves and promoting the ability to work among the poor whom they served.
A Vincentian View: From Homelessness to Hope
The topic of homelessness continues to hold its place in my mind, but now with a particular emphasis upon the young on the streets of our cities.