Javier F. Chento


Javier es laico vicenciano, afiliado a la Congregación de la Misión y miembro de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl en España.
“Finding Vince 400” Film Festival Starts Today

“Finding Vince 400” Film Festival Starts Today

Today, Thursday, October 18, begins "Finding Vince 400," the International Film Festival and contest dedicated to Saint Vincent de Paul, to illustrate the globalization of charity, in the Mariapolis Center of Castel Gandolfo (Italy). The first images of the meeting...

Film Festival Presents Dream of Ending Poverty

Film Festival Presents Dream of Ending Poverty

Castel Gandolfo, close to where the popes usually spend summer vacation, is going to host a film festival to raise awareness about poverty in the world. It's called “Finding Vince 400.” It recalls the 400th anniversary of when St. Vincent de Paul began to help the...

The Colors of Charity [Video]

The Colors of Charity [Video]

The Congregation of the Mission, on its YouTube Channel, has recently published a video about "the Vincentian charism narrated through art," which we invite you to see. It is narrated in Italian, but it has subtitles in English: https://youtu.be/SYSw4knnGAE

Appointment in Rome: October 20

Appointment in Rome: October 20

The Vincentian Family, during the “Finding Vince 400” film Festival, is organizing an event with the Synod of Bishops entitled “When Charity Calls you,” at the Auditorium Conciliazione in Rome, on Saturday, October 20 at 6:00 PM. It is an opportunity to use the...