
Fool’s Pardon: A Meditation – Part II

Fool’s Pardon: A Meditation in Two Parts on Mercy as Sheer Gift of Accepting and Offering (Inter)Personal Forgiveness II In the previous meditation (Part I) we explored a type of theoria regarding the nature and characteristics of forgiveness.  Before moving forward...

Fool’s Pardon: A Meditation – Part I

Fool’s Pardon: A Meditation in Two Parts on Mercy as Sheer Gift of Accepting and Offering (Inter)Personal Forgiveness I We begin with a comment concerning the title of this meditation, namely “fool’s pardon.”  It derives from the title of a collection of poems by...

I Like You Just Because…: Mercy as the Surprise of Sheer Gift

I Like You Just Because…: Mercy as the Surprise of Sheer Gift Whether the “gospel” begins with the tragic or the comic, that is, with sin or grace as its first movement, begs some discussion; and, still, the answer eludes any complete grasp.  Catholic intuitions tend...

The Mercy of the Lord Burns: Sinfulness in the Fire of God’s Mercy

The Mercy of the Lord Burns: Sinfulness in the Fire of God’s Mercy Matthew Fox, the popularizer of a school of Christian spirituality sometimes known as “creation-centered,” once listed Vincent de Paul as a subscriber to such a spirituality.  Apparently anyone...

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