St. John’s University

A Vocation of Prayer #IamVincent @SJUMission

About her vocation to prayer, Andrea Pinnavaia writes from St. Johns... The deeper I delve into my vocation as a Vincentian, the more I am drawn into caring for the poor through prayer. People who are truly people of prayer will be inspired to serve and be drawn into...

Allow yourself to be lead #IamVincent @SJUMission

Bro. Mike Sheerin, FMS, Campus Minister, St. John’s University, writes: “Allow yourself to be led by the Lord. He will direct all things through you. Trust him and following his example, always act humbly, gently, and in good faith.” St. Vincent DePaul. St. Vincent...

It Grabbed Hold of Me #IamVincent @SJUMission

Sometimes that "something" that has grabbed hold of you won't let go. Dennis M. Gallagher writes, These past three and a half years have been one where I’m grateful to feel more immersed within the Vincentian mission and where I now feel part of the SJU community with...

One Day Dialogues: #IamVincent @StJohn’s

One Day Dialogues are a program of the St. John's University School of Law, fostering open dialogue on Race, Justice, and the Law. We can't forget that part of the Vincentian struggle for systemic change is to reveal the structures of oppression that still exist in...

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