
Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 1)

Fr. José María Román, C.M. speaks to us about the religious experience of Saint Vincent de Paul.

5 Faces of Justin de Jacobis

Feast Day: July 30 Long after Justin’s death, Cardinal Massaia, who had ordained him, stated: After 35 years I can still, to a large extent, recall the sermons which I listened to in those days, so great was the impression which he made on me, and also on others… To...

Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions arrive in USA – 1816

This Monday, July 26, is the anniversary of the arrival of Felix de Andreis, C.M., Joseph Rosati, C.M., and companions in Baltimore, Maryland USA in 1816. Learn more in this presentation:   [slideshare...

St. Vincent de Paul: One of the great saints of history (Part 2)

"The originality of his version of Christianity is [a] reason that makes Saint Vincent de Paul one of the great saints in history." - José María Román, C.M.   ...
Vincentian Family National Council: Ireland

Vincentian Family National Council: Ireland

Dublin, Ireland, was chosen by Pope Francis to host the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) from August 21-26, 2018, guided by the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World.” In choosing The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World, as the theme for the ninth...