Sisters of Charity Federation

Some Things We Can All Agree On!

We pray in thanksgiving for the privilege and responsibility of being able to organize as individuals politically. We pray that each of us, as citizens, feel compelled to exercise our right and responsibility to vote…

July 16, 1900: First Sisters of St. Martha Arrived in Antigonish

Learn a bit about the Sisters of St. Martha, then and now, in this brief article and video.

At UN Development Meetings, Sisters Present Pathways to Eradicate Poverty

Sabitri Dakhal and her husband, Nilaram Dakhal, were struggling to make ends meet, as do many residents of the west Nepal region of Surkhet. Finding it harder to eke out a living in their mountainside village, the couple migrated to a more populated valley in the area...

Sisters of Charity Federation | Online Lenten Reflections | February 18-21, 2018

The Federation of the Sisters of Charity will be going live on Facebook each day February 18-21, 2018 at 9PM EST for their Federation Online Lenten Reflections. The Sisters giving the talks will reflect on themes of the Lenten season: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving....
New face of Sisters of Charity at UN

Charity Federation meets

Charity Federation Meets – Thursday June 6 The day began with prayer led by Marge Kloos, SC-C. After prayer, Julie Cutter, DC-St. Louise, Executive Director of the SC Federation gave a brief overview of the agenda for the days ahead. Debbie Weber, SC-C Associate, gave...

New face of Sisters of Charity at UN

“Ever-Evolving Charism of Charity”

Leaders of North American congregations in the Sisters of Charity Federation will gather at Mount St. Joseph (OH) this week for their annual meeting, according to a post on the Catholic Beat. Sixty-three women from North America and guests from South Korea will meet...

Charity Federation at the UN

From the NGO News of the Sisters of Charity Federation.... "The Commission on the Status of Women meeting took place in March, with Rosita and Jyoti, our interns from Nepal and India respectively, attending more than 30 side events. After the meeting, they left to...

Second Chances for people and things

Second Chances for people and things

Thanks to a new systemic change project ex-offenders have a second chance in their lives as they  receive training in running a business built around giving things a "second chance." The Religieuses de Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur, member of the Charity Federation, have...