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Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill

Putting the garden to bed at Seton Hill

Sister Barbara Ann Smelko, SC welcomed 7th and 8th grade students from Queen of Angels Catholic School to assist her in closing the garden for the season.

New Orleans and Seton Hill sisters’ bond stays strong after 99 years

They immediately responded to a need, and at great risk because of the violence and racism that existed in our region

Nuns on the Bus

The “Nuns on the Bus” wrapped up their 27 day tour on November 2 with its closing event, “Fiesta for the Common Good” and a final journey to President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. This journey, entitled “Tax Justice Truth Tour” hosted 54...

Seton Arts Service Corps @SetonHill

Seton Hill University art and music students make a difference by bringing the power of the arts to underserved youth in Pittsburgh. The Seton Arts Service Corps is a cooperative program of the Sisters of Charity and Seton Hill University to use the power of the arts...
Nuns on the Bus

Nuns on the Bus

The “Nuns on the Bus” wrapped up their 27 day tour on November 2 with its closing event, “Fiesta for the Common Good”...

Hearing the call at DePaul

Hearing the call at DePaul

People are hearing the call at DePaul School for Hearing and Speech, which was founded by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. The following story appeared in the Pittsburgh Catholic. Teaching assistant Maria Supe works with Audrey Craig at the DePaul School for...