Ross Dizon

House for the Poor of All Peoples

Jesus fulfills the promise of God to king David of an everlasting royal house.  This kingdom is for the poor of all peoples. Living in a palace and enjoying peace and security, king David thinks of building God a house.  But the holy and pious thought of the king does...

Testimony that Is at once Humble and Courageous

Jesus, the incarnate Word, is the light that enlightens everyone.  Christians prove themselves through the humble and courageous testimony they give in his behalf. This time, we have a portrait of John the Baptist giving a deposition in a court trial.  That is because...

Gospel of Jesus, Messiah and Son of God

The Gospel, the Good News, is Jesus himself, his preaching, his ministry.  That is why his presence fills us with consolation, joy and hope. The Gospel implies newness, which shows up in the beginning.  That is because John the Baptist is a different, a new, prophet....

Watchful and Hard-working Servants

Jesus, who rose from the dead and went up to heaven, will not fail to return in his glory.  Of course, he wants us to be always watchful and hard-working. Jesus exhorts all of us to be watchful.  And the exhortation sounds urgent, for he repeats it in several ways: ...

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