Ross Dizon

Lamb of God who Takes away the Sins of the World

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.  Happy are those who, accepting his invitation, enter into communion with him. Once again, John the Baptist announces that Jesus is the Lamb of God.  Because of this second announcement, two disciples of...

Authentic Face of God and Religion

Jesus reveals the invisible God.  Jesus’ true brothers and sisters, then, cannot but reveal the authentic face of God and religion. The Only-Begotten Son is the exact image of the invisible God who dwells in unapproachable light.  He lives eternally and intimately...

Hope of Israel and of all Nations

Jesus is the hope of Israel and of all nations.  Those who trust in him and welcome him rise.  They fall, on the other hand, those who distrust and reject him. Joseph and Mary are devout Jews.  That is why they come with the child Jesus to the temple to...

Food for All that Gives Life and Saves

Already at birth, Jesus offers himself as the food that gives life and saves.  Unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we have no life within us. Mary does not lay her child in a crib.  Rather, she lays him, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger, which holds...

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