Ross Dizon

Favors, Blessings, Graces from God

Jesus, the one anointed with the Holy Spirit and sent by the Father, brings the Good News to the poor.  He proclaims the era of favors from heaven. The angel Gabriel comes to Mary. As he greets her, he does not say the name of the virgin betrothed to Joseph. Rather,...

Recognize Jesus Who Is in Our Midst

Jesus is in in our midst. Do we Christians get to recognize him? Do we give witness to him by the way we are, live and act?  Priests, Levites and Pharisees grill John as if they were in court. And he does not hesitate to recognize simply that he is not the Messiah nor...

Go out of the Old World of Old Men

Jesus sees fit to go out of the bosom of the Father to announce the Good News to the poor and to bring in the new heavens and the new earth.  It seems that John, like Jeremiah, has the Lord’s word in his heart as a fire one cannot put out. It makes the son of...

Tasks for the Servants of Jesus

Jesus has chosen and brought us to his house.  And he has assigned us tasks that we have to carry out as we wait for him to come back. There are not a few of us who do not do not fulfill our assigned tasks.  Is this due to our not being of those who are wise,...
Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Perfect as Our Father in Heaven

Jesus, who is in the bosom of the Father and knows him up close, shows us the divine face.  He wants us to be perfect as our Father. It is quite clear what it means to be perfect as our Father in heaven:  to go beyond what the law and the prophets command and forbid. ...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Fulfill with All Our Heart What God Wants

Jesus is the most blessed of those who are blessed since they fulfill what God wants.  And he is the way that leads to God, and to bliss and peace. There is much we yet have to do to fulfill Christ’s wish that all Christians be one.  And that we let others know by our...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Jesus is the great light that shines on those who walk in the dark.  He is the delight of those who live in the land of gloom. As God’s wisdom, Jesus rejoices in the earth and finds his delight in humans (see Prov 8, 31).  And, of course, for him to be with us also...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Approach Jesus Christ with All Our Being

Jesus is the Son through whom God has spoken to us humans in these last days.  We Christians are to approach and hear him, and be what he says. God wanted the Israelites to prepare for his coming down to Mount Sinai to give them the law.  He told them, through Moses,...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Preach the Good News to the Poor

Jesus is the one the Lord God has anointed with the Holy Spirit and has sent to preach the Good News to the poor. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  And the sacred writers and wise holy men and women bring them to light for us to see.  We...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Give Witness to the Lamb of God

Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.  We are to fix our gaze on him and give witness to him. And we thank God for revealing this to John the Baptist and for sending him to give witness to it.  May God give us now the grace to take a long and...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Disrupt the State of Affairs Today

Jesus shows us his glory and mercy.  Such epiphany makes known that the time has come to disrupt things as they now are.  Magi from the east show up in Jerusalem.  And the question they ask turns out to undermine the powers that be.  For it troubles King Herod greatly...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Hold Dear and Reflect on All These Things

The baby lying in the manger bears the name Jesus and is Mary’s Son.  He calls us to hold dear all that we hear and see about him. The Savior of the world shows he is as though no one and nothing as just a child (SV.EN VI:170).  A baby, yes, like other babies that...

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Contemplate the Baby Lying in the Manger

Jesus is the Savior, Messiah and Lord.  To know and accept him, we first have to contemplate the baby lying in the manger. One can take it, for sure, that the shepherds cannot bear contemplate the very bright light that shine around them.  For great fear strikes them....