Ross Dizon

Believe in the Crucified Jesus, by Loving as He Does

Jesus crucified reveals the love to the end that God has for us.  To believe in him, then, is to reveal the same unfathomable love. Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the desert.  By looking at it, those whom the serpent had bitten recovered.  In...

Temple Means Basically “God-With-Us”

Jesus is the only temple that matters.  He is “God-with-us,” the fullest presence of God among human beings. Jesus feels outrage when he finds in the temple area sellers of animals and money-changers.  They probably think they foster worship of God.  But Jesus...

Partners in the Project of the Kingdom of God

Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father who hands him over for us all.  He announces to us the Good News of the kingdom.  His true followers and partners listen to him. Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God.  He has every reason, then, to resist Satan, the power that...

Desert: Trial and Grace; Cross and Resurrection

Jesus overcomes Satan in the desert. He thus reveals that he is the Firstborn of the new creation and the Head of the new people of God. The Spirit drives Jesus out into the desert. Jesus stays there for forty days, tempted by Satan, living with wild beast and...

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