Ross Dizon

Fulfillment of Jesus Christ to the End

Jesus brings fulfillment to the law and the prophets.  Accordingly, he gives to the Passover meal its full meaning.  To take part in the Eucharist is to share in the fullness of Christ. Jesus and his disciples are pilgrims in Jerusalem.  And they celebrate there the...

Trinity: God Who Is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Jesus reveals God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Looking out for others’ interests, we also reveal the Most Holy Trinity. No one has ever seen God.  But his Son reveals him.  Jesus does not use the word Trinity, of course, nor does any New Testament writer. No,...

Anointing with the Holy Spirit and Mission

The risen Jesus breathes on us.  Anointing us so with the Holy Spirit, he sends us to work with him in the evangelization of the poor. The risen Jesus stands in the midst of his disciples.   Never mind that it is dark and the disciples bolted the doors.  First, he...

Descend to the Earth First to Ascend into Heaven

Christ ascends into heaven, which means he deigned to descend to the earth to bring the Good News to the poor.  If we imitate him, we will ascend into heaven also. The apostles look intently at Jesus as he leaves.  But a question cuts short their contemplation, “Why...

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