Ross Dizon

Living through the Death of Jesus Christ

Jesus wears the crown of glory because he died for everyone (Heb 2, 9).  If we share his death, he will have us living with him in glory. The wicked, true to the plots they were hatching against Jesus, cut him off from the land of the living (Jer 11, 19-20).  But God,...

Fill Up What is Lacking in Christ’s Afflictions

On the cross, the one who bears our sufferings carries out fully our redemption.  And to gaze at him mournfully and prayerfully is to pledge to fill up in our flesh what is lacking in his afflictions (see Col 1, 24). It is not that the work of Christ is not enough...

Dignity and Responsibility of Women

The new that God is doing springs forth now in Jesus.  Those with chauvinist mentality do not see this newness that acknowledges the dignity and responsibility of women (Benedict XVI). Joseph finds out that Mary is carrying in her womb a child that is not his.  But...

Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord

Jesus teaches us that God is unbelievably good. And he invites us to go to him so that we may taste and see the goodness of God.

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