Ross Dizon

Mercy That We Find Hard to Understand

Jesus Christ is the incarnation and personification of divine mercy (DM 2). Dwelling among us, he hopes that God’s mercy will rub on us human beings. Sinners draw near to listen to Jesus. He welcomes them, and he even eats with them, which bothers the Pharisees and...

Learning Well from Our Master and Teacher

Jesus Christ is our one Teacher. Those who do not stop learning from him, following him on the way of the cross, are truly his disciples. Great crowds travel with Jesus. But quality matters to him more than quantity. He wants disciples who do not only go with him but...

Lowly Followers of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the definitive proof that God lifts up the lowly and repays those who reaches out to them. Our Teacher calls us to the same lowliness and outreach. Jesus is a guest of one of the leading Pharisees. In other words, he is not among the lowly folks. Rather,...

Narrowness to Go Through and Overcome

Jesus himself goes in through the narrow gate.   His example gives us strength to go through and overcome all narrowness. Someone asks Jesus, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” The question, in other words, is whether there is wideness in God’s mercy or...

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