Ross Dizon

Thankful for Healing and Salvation

Jesus is the last revelation of divine salvation to Israel and the nations. It is right, then, that all show themselves thankful to him always and everywhere. Nine of the ten lepers that Jesus has healed do not show that they are thankful. For only a Samaritan, who...

Increase Faith and Stir It into Flame

Jesus Christ is the leader and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12, 2). It is right, then, that we ask him to increase always our faith. Faith is a divine gift (Rom 12, 3; Phil 1, 29; 2 Pt 1, 1). That is, God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit gives it to us. We ask it, then, from...

Care and Concern for Those in Need

Jesus fulfills the law and the prophets. He teaches us by words and deeds to care for the poor, their misery making us ill. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches us to care for those who are poor. Though we can safely say that the helpless beggar is resigned...

Serve God Alone and Not Money

Jesus shows us the way to serve God absolutely and not money ever. Do we Christians, and Vincentians besides, really learn from him? Jesus does not love money. He is not all like those who sneer at him on hearing him say, “You cannot serve both God and wealth.”...

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