Ross Dizon

Alive by God’s Love in Christ Jesus

Jesus is the last and surest proof that God loves us. Because of this love, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living; all are alive for him. The Sadducees deny that there is a resurrection or that the dead can be alive again because of it. So, with their...

Call to Repentance and Salvation

The Son of Man has come to seek out and save sinners. We can answer him because he is the first to call us to repentance and salvation. Zacchaeus badly wants to see who Jesus is. Never mind that he is short. Wouldn’t it be sad if those who call out to say Jesus is...

Crown of Glory, Crown of Thorns

Jesus wears the crown of glory because he first wore the crown of thorns. He proves true the teaching that God lifts up the lowly. The crown of glory that will never fade awaits the faithful shepherds of God’s flock (1 Pt 5, 1-4). But it will be theirs only when the...

Cry out to God Always and Not Lose Heart

Jesus, “a man of the greatest prayer” (SV.EN IX:326), pleads with God for us always. And his blood cries out to him more loudly than that of Abel. Surely, God brings justice without delay to those who cry out with faith as Jesus. The Gospel this Sunday tells us that...

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