Ross Dizon

Following Jesus Christ Genuinely

Jesus opens our minds so that we may understand Scriptures. This understanding is crucial to our knowing and following Jesus. God calls us out of pure mercy though we are weak and fall down easily (SV.EN IX:284). And it is on God’s infinite goodness that we rely to...

Point and Witness to God’s Son and Lamb

Jesus is the Son of God and also the Lamb of God. We Christians believe and proclaim him so. We also point and witness to him. John’s reason for being is to point and witness to Jesus. For he baptizes with water so that he may reveal the one who will baptize with the...

Share in Jesus’ Anointing and Mission

Jesus is the one anointed with the Spirit. God has sent him to bring the Good News to the poor. To belong to him is to share in his anointing and sending. The baptism of Jesus identifies him as God’s beloved Son, with a share in divinity. But it also suggests that he...

Boundaries That Needs Opening

Jesus is the salvation that God has prepared in the sight of all peoples. He opens boundaries: between God and human beings; between us and others. The Word has become flesh through the motherhood of Mary. And being thus uniquely God and man, Jesus becomes the one...

Being well connected

Easter Sunday (A), April 20, 2014 – Acts 10, 34a. 37-43; Col 3, 1-4; Jn 20, 1-9 Think of what is above (Col 3, 2) The least of us has risen from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God.  Now we await his glorious coming and welcoming words, “Come, you who are...

Dying for life

Palm Sunday of Lent (A), April 13, 2014 – Mt 21, 1-11; Is 50, 4-7; Phil 2, 6-11; Mt 26, 14—27, 66 He took the form of a slave (Phil 2, 7) Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God.  But he is not here to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom...

Life-giving death

Fifth Sunday of Lent (A), April 6, 2014 – Ez 37, 12-14; Rom 8, 8-11; Jn 11, 1-45 The one who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies (Rom 8, 11) Jesus guarantees life to believers.  His love to the end vivifies.  Loving as he does, we live...

Blind to the needy, blind to God

Fourth Sunday of Lent (A), March 30, 2014 – 1 Sam 16, 1b. 6-7. 10-13a; Eph 5, 8-14; Jn 9, 1-41 Light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth (Eph 5, 9) Jesus opens the eyes of the blind.  We are not blind if we believe in Jesus and go about doing...

The first thing he did was ask

Third Sunday of Lent (A), March 23, 2014 – Ex 17, 3-7; Rom 5, 1-2. 5-8; Jn 4, 5-42 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5, 8) Jesus lives the true religion.  Those who follow his example adore the Father in Spirit and truth. The worship the Father...

Healthy and liberating insecurity

Second Sunday of Lent (A), March 16, 2014 – Gen 12, 1-4; 2 Tim 1, 8b-10; Mt 17, 1-9 Bear your share of hardship for the gospel (2 Tim 1, 8) Jesus came from the Father and has come into the world to save us.  We will be saved if we imitate him, leaving the familiar and...

No to “Every man for himself”

First Sunday of Lent (A), March 9, 2014 – Gen 2, 7-9; 3, 1-7; Rom 5, 12-19; Mt 4, 1-11 Through the obedience of the one, the many will be made righteous (Rom 5, 19) The new Adam overcomes temptations.  Through him, we are provided with a way out of trials, so that we...