Ross Dizon

Hand over the Body and Shed the Blood

Jesus gives us the greatest proof of love one can give. For he deigns to hand over his body and shed his blood out of love for us.  I can give away all I own to help the poor or even hand over my body to burn. Still, this does not always mean I love; I could do it for...

Sap of Life, Strength and Fruitfulness

Jesus is the true vine.  He gives the branches that remain in him the sap that gives them life and strength and makes them bear plenty of fruit. Jesus uses the allegory of the vine and the branches. He does so since he wants to make clear how his disciples should...

Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah, Good Shepherd

Jesus is Ruler and Savior, Lord and Messiah.  Yet he lords over no one; he serves and is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. A ruler among Jesus’ own should not at all be like a ruler among the Gentiles. The latter lords it over others. The former, on...

Catch the Good News of Jesus Christ

The one who has risen is the same Jesus of Nazareth that the disciples have known, loved and followed on the roads of Galilee.  To be his witness means to see to it that other folks catch the Good News.  Those who make up a group can easily catch each other’s fears or...
Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Intimate disciples of Jesus

Jesus wants us to be his intimate lovers, proven so through our keeping of his word.  He seeks to share with us, through the Holy Spirit, his Father’s love and genuine peace. In the first place, Jesus affirms that to love him truly means to carry out his word.  He...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Glory and new life through love

Jesus reveals to us the way of love that leads to glory and the new life. Judas leaves to carry out fully his betrayal.  It is night, which does not mean that the light no longer shines in the darkness. Divine glory still shines brightly.  Jesus speaks of it to his...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Chief and eternal Shepherd of the flock

Jesus is a Shepherd who cares and protects; we fear no evil even when we walk through dark valleys. Jesus and the one who has sent him to be Shepherd of the whole flock are one.  The Shepherd’s success depends on this union. The intimacy between the Father and Jesus...

Naked in the presence of Jesus

Jesus alone clothes the naked and fills those who are empty by sharing with them his mission to clothe the naked and fill those who hunger and thirst for justice and mercy. Peter, who is fishing naked—do those who have fishing as their occupation work naked...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Faith working through love

Jesus wants us to have a faith that is firm as a rock and immense as the sea. This faith, made alive by love, prompts Mary of Magdala to go to Jesus’ tomb at the first opportunity.  Due to the same faith, this female disciple stays outside the tomb weeping, after...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Courage! Jesus leads us

Leading fearful disciples, who are also slow to understand, Jesus heads towards Jerusalem to face with courage his painful fate. Courage does not mean not agonizing at the specter of suffering and death. Jesus is in such agony that his sweat becomes “like drops of...

Foolish and Slow to Believe, and Afraid

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Jesus invites even sinners to the banquet of the kingdom. The strict practitioners of religion complain once again that Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them. They probably deride him, whispering to each other, “You cannot take him to any banquet.” But again, too,...

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