Ross Dizon

Perishable, Yet Saving Just the Same

The Word becomes flesh; the imperishable, perishable.  And he shares in our humanity so that we may share in his divinity. Jesus says that he is the bread that came from heaven, which makes the Jews grumble.  They are sure that he is from the same land as they and as...

Seekers of the Food that Lasts Forever

Jesus is the bread and drink of life.  The seekers who go to him and believe in him will have their fill; they will never hunger or thirst. The crowds know that Jesus did not go in the boat with his disciples.  That is why those who look for him go to the place where...

Loaves and Fish of the Poor for the Poor

Jesus is the answer in full that the Father gives to our prayers.  And we poor people ask him to give us this day our daily loaves of bread. Jesus draws many people due to the signs he has performed for the sick.  But he seems to draw more people after going up on the...

Gather the Scattered, Lost, Separated

Jesus Christ is our peace and rest.  He is with us to gather those whom the bad shepherds have scattered, misled and driven apart. The apostles gather together with Jesus.  They tell him how they have fulfilled the task he gave them.  The Teacher, for his part, sees...
Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior

Jesus embodies the change of mind, heart and behavior that the Gospel entails.  The kingdom of God belongs to those who conform to this change and clothe themselves with Jesus. With the arrest of John the Baptist, a painful change enters his life.  But God does not...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Authentic Face of God and Religion

Jesus reveals the invisible God.  Jesus’ true brothers and sisters, then, cannot but reveal the authentic face of God and religion. The Only-Begotten Son is the exact image of the invisible God who dwells in unapproachable light.  He lives eternally and intimately...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Hope of Israel and of all Nations

Jesus is the hope of Israel and of all nations.  Those who trust in him and welcome him rise.  They fall, on the other hand, those who distrust and reject him. Joseph and Mary are devout Jews.  That is why they come with the child Jesus to the temple to...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Food for All that Gives Life and Saves

Already at birth, Jesus offers himself as the food that gives life and saves.  Unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood, we have no life within us. Mary does not lay her child in a crib.  Rather, she lays him, wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a manger, which holds...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

House for the Poor of All Peoples

Jesus fulfills the promise of God to king David of an everlasting royal house.  This kingdom is for the poor of all peoples. Living in a palace and enjoying peace and security, king David thinks of building God a house.  But the holy and pious thought of the king does...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Gospel of Jesus, Messiah and Son of God

The Gospel, the Good News, is Jesus himself, his preaching, his ministry.  That is why his presence fills us with consolation, joy and hope. The Gospel implies newness, which shows up in the beginning.  That is because John the Baptist is a different, a new, prophet....

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Watchful and Hard-working Servants

Jesus, who rose from the dead and went up to heaven, will not fail to return in his glory.  Of course, he wants us to be always watchful and hard-working. Jesus exhorts all of us to be watchful.  And the exhortation sounds urgent, for he repeats it in several ways: ...

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