Ross Dizon

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Jesus is the light of the world.  To follow him means not to walk in the dark, in lies, but to have the light of life, the truth. Jesus warns his hearers about blindness and the darkness that comes with it.  It is, of course, about spiritual blindness, about not...

Heavenly as Our Father Who Is in Heaven

Jesus, the second man is from heaven.  He bids us to be one with him, so that we who are of the earth may become heavenly also. We heard last Sunday that Jesus looked at his disciples and then announced the blessings and the woes.  Did he mean to say that he wanted...

Curses that Turn Out to Be Blessings

Jesus became a curse to free us from curses and fill us with blessings.  He became sinner and poor to make us just and rich. Those who are to catch men and women have much to learn still.  And today the one who has called them teaches them about curses and blessings....

Fishers of Men and Women, Sinners All

Jesus is the leading fisher of men and women.  Those he calls are also, though sinners, to be fishers of other sinners. Jesus tells Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”  And Simon answers, “Teacher, we have worked hard all night and have...
Cries of Those Who Are Poor for Justice

Enthusiasm to Serve to the Bitter End

Jesus is the model of determined and enthusiastic service.  His true followers also serve to the end with determination and enthusiasm. One can rebuke Zebedee’s sons for not understanding and for being ambitious.  But we cannot accuse them of unwillingness, indecision...