Ross Dizon

Gather Together Two or Three in Jesus’ Name

Jesus is always in his Church.  Yes, he is in the midst of those who gather together in his name by the initiative of Providence. Jesus wants us disciples to know that we shall receive for sure what we pray for, but on one condition:  we will have to agree on what to...

Deny Themselves, Bear Their Own Cross, Follow Christ

Jesus is all things to all.  He leads those who live for others and deny themselves.  For they do not seek their own good, but the neighbor’s. Peter is blessed.  For in the first place, the Father, not flesh and blood, lets him know who Jesus is.  In the second place,...

All Things to All so as to Save All

Jesus is the Teacher who shows us by words and by works what it means to become all things to all for the sake of God’s kingdom.

Foreigners No Longer, But Citizens Rather

Jesus, our peace, makes one the Jews and those who are not Jews: the foreigners. He tears down, through the cross, the wall of hate that separates them.

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Jesus loves us to the end, to giving his life for us.  To follow him means to give up our bodies and pour out our blood for others. Jesus does not speak expressly of the Most Holy Trinity.  He only shares with us and shows us his experience of God as a good and loving...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Gifts of Christ Who Has Gone up to Heaven

Jesus Christ goes up to heaven and gives gifts to men and women.  He wants them to grow up fully and be wholly human as he. We ask our Father in heaven many things.  And the good things we ask for are summed up in his gift of the Holy Spirit (Lk 11, 13).  Hence, this...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Wait for Jesus Christ to Come Back

Jesus, who came to the world from the Father, now leaves the world to go back to the Father.  True Christians cannot but wait for him to come back and take them with him. In Mt 28,16-20, Jesus gives to the eleven apostles the task to make disciples of all nations.  He...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Jesus is the peace between natives and foreigners, whites and blacks, men and women.  One, then, need not be upset by the other. Jesus says good-bye at length to his disciples.  For he wants them to keep their faith in him; he does not want trials to upset them. No,...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Distinctive Mark of Christ’s Disciples

Jesus is the proof that God loves us.  Sent by God, he teaches us to love.  He makes love the Christians’ distinctive mark and the means of salvation. Judas leaves so as to carry out fully the betrayal.  And this treasonous leave is a distinctive sign that Jesus’ hour...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Mind and Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus and the Father are one and of one mind and heart.  And to be a Christian means to have Christ’s mind and heart. Jesus walks about in the temple area on Solomon’s Porch or Colonnade.  It is a place many people go to, especially in winter.  For there, due to a...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Burden and Sorrow of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus is God-with-us.  He stays with us all along the way that we travel.  He finds bearable the burden that we turn out to be. The disciples cannot haul in the net due to the huge number of fish caught in it.  But surely, it is a burden that makes the fishermen...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Palpable, Touchable, Visible, True

Jesus makes palpable God, whom no one has seen or touched.  True disciples do not rest till their Teacher is palpable to them. Jesus knows that when he shows up risen, his disciples will think they see a ghost.  They will want him to be palpable.  That is why he has...

Pour out God’s Love into Hearts

Live and Die as Jesus Christ Did

The risen Jesus is at God’s right hand and intercedes for us.  His love enables us to live and die as he did. There are in the New Testament paradoxical teachings.  These ideas, for instance, strike us as odd:  to die is to live, loss is gain, to serve is to rule,...