Ross Dizon

Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Jesus is the definitive divine word that teaches us to be humble.  He is also the perfect response of humility to the divine word. Jesus goes to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees.  Since the Pharisees love places of honor at banquets, one can suppose...

Salvation for Jews and for Gentiles of Every Language

Through the tender mercy of God, Jesus visits us to guide our feet into the way of salvation. Someone asks Jesus, “Will only a few be saved?”  The question suggests that the one who asks is worried about salvation. It is possible, however, that he is self-righteous. ...

Fire that Is All-consuming and Spirit that Is Life-breath

To set the earth on fire is part of Jesus’ mission.  And how he wishes that the fire were already blazing! Undoubtedly, Jesus’ passionate and anguished wish keeps coming to fruition.  In fact, a cloud of witnesses surrounds us.  They are witnesses from all walks of...

Trust Firmly and Without Reservation

Jesus assures us that God trusts in us.  We trust God because he first trusts us. Better than any prophet, Jesus’ embodies the divine invitation to trust.  That is because the Teacher explains in simple terms that God is the heavenly Father who loves all his children...

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