Ross Dizon

King Unlike All Other Kings Undoubtedly

Jesus is King!  How do we react to this proclamation? As an assembly, the elders of the people, the chief priests and the scribes bring Jesus before Pilate.  After hearing the charges, the Roman prefect asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews.  Jesus answers him,...

Perseverance in Seeking the Kingdom

Jesus is the sublime example of the person who attains salvation through perseverance in fostering the kingdom of  God. Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you besides.”  But he does not only preach;...

Resurrection Giving Encouragement and Hope

Jesus is the resurrection and the life.  That is why we should not lose hope. Some Sadducees try to show that, in view of levirate marriage, belief in the resurrection is absurd.  In rebuttal, Jesus unmasks their lack of logic and their ignorance. First, he rejects...

Guest Asking for Justice and Love

The Son of the most holy God becomes flesh and stays at our house as a guest who saves.  He wants us to repent. Jesus teaches that it will be difficult for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God.  The Pharisees, for their part, consider tax collectors sinners that...

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