Ross Dizon

Promise of Greatness, Blessing and Glory

Jesus is the perfect, awesome and amazing fulfillment of the promise God has made through the patriarchs and the prophets. From the perspective of human wisdom, the good news is that God makes a hopeful promise to Abraham.  But the bad news is that the Father of all...

Tempting but Destructive Suggestion

Jesus is God-Man.  He himself unmasks the deceit in the devil’s tempting suggestion:  it is either God or man. From the perspective of our faith in the Word made flesh, we cannot but reject such tempting suggestion.  It is not true that one must choose either God or...

End, and of course, Beginning, too, of our Seeking

Jesus is the beginning and the end of our efforts to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Christians should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.  To make sure we start out well and end successfully, all we need to do is follow Jesus. Jesus...

Peace and Reconciliation at All Costs

Christ is our peace.  He breaks down, through his flesh, the wall of hatred that separates us from one another. Justice and peace are what the commandment, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” seeks.  It forbids vengeance like that of Lamech, who boasts, “I...

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