
A Vincentian View: Joseph and Psalm 19 (Pleasure in Law)

Psalm 19 points in a similar direction and enables us to continue to reflect on Joseph as a just man in relation to the law of his people.

A Vincentian View: Joseph and Psalm 1

Do you want to hear Joseph pray?  You might begin with Psalm 1.

A Vincentian View: The Grace of Graces

“We need only ask Saint Joseph for the grace of graces: our conversion” (PC p. 9).

A Vincentian View: The Fiat of St. Joseph

“In every situation, Joseph declared his own “fiat,” like those of Mary at the Annunciation and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.”

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: Remembering

A Vincentian View: “Remembering” “God gave us memories so that we could have roses in December.” (J. M. Barrie) That line still sticks in my mind from high school because it flows out of my sentimental heart.  It reminds me of the importance of memories and their...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: Human Stories

  A Vincentian View: “Human Stories” This past Saturday at St. John’s University, we launched the first of our ongoing series on interfaith dialogue.  In collaboration with the Diocese of Brooklyn, the Vincentian Center at SJU will attempt to put together a whole day...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: “Our” Kids

Vincentian View: “Our Kids” Founder’s Week (September 20-27) at St. John’s University celebrates St. Vincent de Paul whose spirit rests at the heart of our University.  This year, the theme for our remembrance was “Vincentian Education:  Illuminating minds, creating...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: The Joy of Being Found

A Vincentian View “The Joy of Being Found” Our Gospel of Sunday, September 11 contains the entire fifteenth chapter of Luke’s Gospel and the three parables therein. The ideas of being “lost” and “found” and “joyful” are central in each story. Listen again to the words...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: Payback

A Vincentian View “Payback” Imagine a world in which everyone had all that they needed, not too much and never too little.  No one was hungry—there was always enough food.  No one was naked—adequate clothing was available to all.  No one needed shelter—everyone had a...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: Giving Your Best

A Vincentian View “Giving Your Best” I have been on vacation for the past two weeks.  I feel fortunate that these were the two weeks of the Olympic Games.  During the first week, I was with my two sisters and my brother’s family in Northboro, MA.  We spent much of the...

A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

A Vincentian View: Listening

A Vincentian View: Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, CM “Listening” Do you set aside books which you say that you are going to read when you get the chance?  I try to do that during the summer.  There are, of course, junk novels which I select for guilty pleasure, but there are...