
The documentary “Opeka” Wins the Golden Palm at the Beverly Hills Film Festival

Yesterday, Saturday, June 20, the winners of the prestigious Beverly Hills Film Festival were announced. The documentary "Opeka," about the life and work of Pedro Opeka, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Madagascar, has won the Golden Palm. The...

Film Documentary on Pedro Opeka, CM

A very skilled film-maker has submitted a documentary on Pedro Opeka’s work in Madagascar.

Fr. Opeka Celebrates the Eucharist for All the People of Antananarivo

This past Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday (April 19), Fr. Pedro Opeka, a member of the Congregation of the Mission, ministering in Madagascar, together with countless priests throughout the world, celebrated the Eucharist in extraordinary conditions as a result of the...

Are You Part of the Problem?

Am I part of the problem... or part of the solution? How can I know? I recently read something attributed to Coretta Scott King, "It doesn't matter how strong your opinions are. If you don't use your power for positive change, you are, indeed, part of the problem.”...
Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Taking advantage of his visit to Rome in 2018, the journalist Elena Grazini had the opportunity to ask some questions to Father Pedro Opeka, missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Madagascar: 1- Father Pedro what does it mean today to live in Akamasoa? How...