Louise de Marillac

Louise de Marillac: Equal Rights and Obligations between Men and Women

“If the work is considered political, it seems that men should undertake. If it is considered charity, women can undertake, as the have already undertaken other large and painful works. Women being by themselves seems not possible, nor should, and it would be hopeful...

Louise de Marillac: The need for Respect, Understanding and Tolerance

“I can no longer hide the sorrow of my heart at hearing that much is to be desired in you. [...] Where is the spirit of fervor which animated you when you were first established in Angers and which led you to esteem your directors so highly? You looked upon their...

Louise de Marillac: Meeting the Needs of Migrants and Refugees

My very dear Sister. I was sure that the goodness of your heart would cause you and, I believe, all our dear sisters who are far away to be disturbed because you are afraid that we are suffering greatly. Let us praise God, my dear Sisters, that to this point we have...

The Evolution of St. Vincent’s Spiritual Vision

Watch a YouTube video that describes how St. Vincent’s spiritual vision evolved over several decades, as he was influenced by his collaborators (particularly his work with Louise de Marillac, the Ladies of Charity, and the Daughters of Charity).

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