Louise de Marillac

Epiphany or Manifestation of Jesus to All Nations. The Three Wise Men • A weekly reflection with Louise

“We may also offer them at the Crib in place of the gifts of the Three Kings: almsgiving for gold, fasting for myrrh and prayer for incense. Likewise, we may present them to the Blessed Trinity: prayer to the Father, fasting to the Son and almsgiving to the Holy...

Louise de Marillac: The Poor are also in the Cities

“I must tell you, my dear Sisters, what a consolation it is for me to see you living in your cloister on this journey as you did in the streets of Paris. [...] Above all, since those people are not familiar with your poor way of life and your humble dwelling, do not...

Louise de Marillac: Nativity Scene

"You invite me to go to the Crib so that I can meet you there near the Infant Jesus and His Holy Mother. From the way you speak, I gather that you visit it lovingly so that you may be united to all our sisters. I, however, visit it seldom because I stop only on my way...

Louise de Marillac: Do Not Aim for Positions

"My Most Honored Father, The manner in which Divine Providence has always willed that I speak to you causes me to turn to you very simply in this matter concerning the accomplishment of the holy will of God and the obstacles which experience has shown might hinder the...

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