Louise de Marillac

Education: A Place of Integration • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"Mademoiselle Le Gras questioned whether it’s advisable for our Sisters in the towns and country­side who teach school to take both boys and girls and, in the event that they do take boys, to what age they will keep them. There are many reasons in favor of that....

White Slave Traffic • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"[Madame de Lamoignon told me that,] although we try to employ good women, the majority of them are forced to leave because of bad conduct rather than on account of the necessities of the times. Moreover, these women, who have been gathered from allover and who are of...

St. Louise de Marillac As Healer

St. Louise and the Daughters of Charity as medical practitioners.

Public or Private Education • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"Monsieur, Louise de Marillac, widow of Monsieur Le Gras, secretary to the Queen, Mother of the King, very humbly supplicates Monsieur des Roches, Rector of Notre-Dame de Paris, informing him that the sight of the great number of poor in the Saint-Denis district leads...

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