Louise de Marillac

Organizing our Service • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

My very dear Sister, I entreat Jesus, born into this world and the sole object of our love, to be your strength and consolation at the beginning of this new year. [...] I just now received your dear letter and I am going to repeat what I have already told you...

Get to know Louise through her letters • A Resource

It has been over 80 years since Louise's canonization by Pope Pius XII. In this 3 minute 53 second video VinFormation presents a few samples from the letters of St. Louise de Marillac. They show us the connections between St. Louise and her contemporaries, and give us...

August 12: St. Louise’s Birthday

A one-minute video presenting some of St. Louise’s thoughts on the theme of humility.

eBook: Louise de Marillac, a Spiritual Woman

VinFormation, the site dedicated to VIncentian charism formation resources, offers a new eBook – Louise de Marillac, A Spiritual Woman