Louise de Marillac

The Vincentian Family, Disoriented • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"I can no longer hide the sorrow of my heart at hearing that much is to be desired in you. [...] Where is the spirit of fervor which animated you when you were first established in Angers and which led you to esteem your directors so highly? [...] Where are the...

Organizing our Service • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

My very dear Sister, I entreat Jesus, born into this world and the sole object of our love, to be your strength and consolation at the beginning of this new year. [...] I just now received your dear letter and I am going to repeat what I have already told you...

Get to know Louise through her letters • A Resource

It has been over 80 years since Louise's canonization by Pope Pius XII. In this 3 minute 53 second video VinFormation presents a few samples from the letters of St. Louise de Marillac. They show us the connections between St. Louise and her contemporaries, and give us...

August 12: St. Louise’s Birthday

A one-minute video presenting some of St. Louise’s thoughts on the theme of humility.

Vincent and Louise on varieties of martyrdom

Vincent and Louise on varieties of martyrdom

FamVin is happy to present this translation into English of an article on martyrdom  by  Corpus Juan Delgado, CM. It looks at the concept of martyrdom as it appears in the writings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac.  The concept is examined from the...