Images with message

If The World Belongs To All…

It is incredible that, in the 21st century, we are still witnessing such great inequalities and injustices, as those we see, every day, in newspapers and newscasts. Vincentians cannot, and must not keep silent. We must speak up against injustice and let it be known...

Look beyond appearances

See the following picture. Can you guess what is hidden in it? They say that only 10% of those who see this image are able to see what is hidden in it. So, if you can not see it, do not worry too much... Entitled "They can...

Listen more, speak less

"Remember this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak." (James 1, 19) A group of students of the "San Vicente de Paúl" School of Barbastro, Huesca (Spain), wrote, during the activities organized on the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul,...

At the Door of Mercy #IamVincent

Church of Saint Laurent (Paris), May 7, 2016. A poor man sleeps at the gates of St. Lawrence church, in Paris. It's 9 am, several hours have passed since the city has already begun its busy day. In the photo, a dirty and tatty temple with rehabilitation underway. At...

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