
#famvin400 Learning the Resilience of the Poor

How is it that some people who are poor have such resilience? I come from a show business background: the theatre. From the artist's pen comes music and lyrics that touch the human experience. Listen to this haunting song from "The Color Purple" by Stephen Bray,...

True Charity and the Other #IamVincent

Only by encountering another do we learn what charity is and who we are: brothers and sisters with capacities and responsibilities. Many of you know I am a blogger at Medium.com, where I develop ideas, some of which I share on .famvin.org as "IamVincent" and...

Mentoring @NiagaraUniv #IamVincent

The first week of school brings with it many things. For Niagara University and Niagara Falls High School, the 2016-2017 academic year will begin with a new mentoring program. Announced today, the Big Eagle Little Eagle program will assist Niagara Falls High School...

Serving the Inmates, #IamVincent

In July, a group of 12 young people participated in the yearly labor camp organized by the Prison Ministry Chaplaincy in Martutene Prison (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with Spanish Penitentiary Institution. The young people reflected on the experience:...

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