formation package

Collaboration #2: The People #IamVincent

Last year (2015-2016) was the Year of Collaboration for the Vincentian Family. With all the activity and planning around the 400th anniversary, we can forget that to say #IamVincent means to do the work. Here's the second of a three-part "reworking" of...

Collaboration #1: The Culture #IamVincent

Last year (2015-2016) was the Year of Collaboration for the Vincentian Family. With all the activity and planning around the 400th anniversary, we can forget that to say #IamVincent means to do the work. Here's the first of a three-part "reworking" of a timely article...

The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism • Part 8 • Vincent and Louise – A Lived and Living Vision #famvin400

This is the eighth and last of a series of formation packages meant for individual or group study based upon “The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in light of the Social Doctrine of the Church” by Sr. María Pilar López. As noted earlier, "These...

The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism • Part 7 • “Human Promotion” and “Integral Development” #famvin400

This is the seventh of a series of formation packages meant for individual or group study based upon “The Prophetic Dimension of the Vincentian Charism in light of the Social Doctrine of the Church” by Sr. María Pilar López. The title of the seventh section of the...
Are We Visionary Enough to Serve?

Are We Loved Enough?

Will we stand alone, or will we stand with others, being a part of what is good in them, being more together than ever we could be alone? Our sisters and brothers in the body of Christ touch us, change us, soften us, and call us forward with their love.

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