Congregation of the Mission

The Congregation of the Mission and Formation of the Clergy

In the early days, while St. Vincent and his confreres were giving themselves to the evangelization of the poor, they clearly saw that the effectiveness of their mission to the people could not be sustained unless they also provided for the formation of the clergy.

Resources for Feast Day of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M.

September 11 is the feast day of St. John Gabriel Perboyre, C.M. Learn more about his life, his vocation and his martyrdom in this presentation and music video.

September 2: Five Vincentian Martyrs of the French Revolution

Blessed Louis-Joseph François, C.M., one of five blessed C.M. martyrs of the French Revolution, was a zealous defender of the Catholic Church.

July 30: Feast of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.

Some Background on Christianity in Ethiopia and Eritrea Based on biblical references and traditional accounts, we can say that the Christian faith was introduced in the coastal areas of Eritrea during the first centuries of Christianity. From 1555 to 1632, many Jesuit...

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