Congregation of the Mission

January 25th, a Pivotal Date for the Vincentian Family and the Congregation of the Mission

On January 25th, the feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, we celebrate the foundation of the Congregation of the Mission.

The Original Apostolates of the Congregation of the Mission

As part of a lecture given at the Centre International de Formation (CIF), Father John E. Rybolt, C.M. outlines the history of the apostolic activity of the Congregation of the Mission. Thank you to DePaul University for posting the Selected Works of Fr. Rybolt...

Congregation of the Mission: A video by Father Luigi Mezzadri, C.M.

In this video Father Luigi Mezzadri, CM, Vincentian historian, recounts the context surrounding the life of St. Vincent de Paul and his inspiration to establish the Congregation of the Mission.

The Congregation of the Mission’s Ministry to Form the Clergy

St. Vincent soon realized that the fruit of the popular missions would quickly vanish unless there were good priests to continue conducting them; so, he makes seminary work a part of the purpose of his Congregation.

St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

Father Robert Maloney, C.M., writes: More than a century before the word “inculturation” became popular, Justin [St. Justin de Jacobis] was a master of the art. He said to his listeners: “...if anyone should question you: ‘Who is this stranger?’, answer: ‘He is a...