Binoy Puthusery

God Pitching His Tent Among Us

Prophet Ezekiel and Isaiah prophesied the coming of Messiah with the beautiful image of the good shepherd. “For thus says the Lord God; I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out…I will rescue them from all the places to which they have been scattered...

God’s will as our Will to Meaning

Victor Frankl in his famous book, The Will to Meaning, writes that Man’s search for meaning is the primary motivation in his or her life. According to Frankl, when one fails to find meaning in his or her life, there will be an existential vacuum, an inner emptiness...

The Poor Are Our Masters

Pope Francis in his encyclical, The Joy of Gospel, when he wrote about the social dimension of Evangelization he mentions the special place of the poor in God’s people, by refereeing to some of the Gospel passages. Salva­tion came to us from the “yes” uttered by a...

Remembering the Lord

In Kishwahili language of Africa, the Book of Deuteronomy in Bible is called “Kumbukumbu la Torati” which means “Remembering the Torah”. This name is very apt to this book because we find in it in many places there is a constant appeal to the Israelites to remember...

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