Binoy Puthusery

The Passion of Christ

The famous 2004 film, The Passion of The Christ, directed by Mel Gibson, depicted very vividly the passion which Jesus underwent, especially during the last twelve hours of his life here on earth.  The film opens up with a touching visualization of Jesus’ prayer...

Lent: A Time for Spiritual Combat

There is a famous story of a man who allowed thorns to grow in front of his house. The people who used to visit his house mentioned it to him. But he didn’t listen to them. As the years went by the thorns grew fast and became big and it blocked the way to his house....

Lent: A Time to Withdraw to be Ourselves

Jesus took with him Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves (Mk 9:2; Mt17:1). This is how both St. Mathew and St. Mark begins the transfiguration narrative which is taken for the liturgical reading of the Second Sunday of Lent. St....

Jesus’ Triumphal Journey

We have entered into the Holy week by remembering Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem. In the synoptic gospels, Jesus’ life and ministry is presented as a journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. On his way to Jerusalem he calls some to leave everything and follow him, some...

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