Binoy Puthusery

Wise Stewards of the Earth and of the Poor

Pope Francis began his first Encyclical by stating “LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Sinore” -  “Praise be to you, my Lord.” This was taken from the Canticle of St. Francis Assisi, in which he compared the world as a common home, where the Mother Earth sustains and governs us with...

Vincent’s Constant Attention to the Presence of God

St. Francis De Sales in his famous book, Introduction to the Devout Life, writes about “constant spiritual attentiveness” as the most assured means of spiritual advancement. In the spiritual life of St. Vincent, especially as given in the book of Louis Abelly, we come...

Hope and Courage

In chapter fourteen of the book of Exodus, we have the famous passage which describes the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites.

We are an Easter People

In one of the hymns for Easter season, we sing; “We are an Easter people, ours is an Easter faith.” 

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