Binoy Puthusery

Zeal for God’s House

On the third Sunday of Lent, for the liturgical reading we have the gospel in which we read about Jesus’s action of cleansing the temple of Jerusalem by driving out those who were selling things in the temple by saying, My house shall be a house of prayer; but you...

Nunc Dimitis: The Christmas Song of Simeon

St. Luke concludes the good news of Christ’s birth with this beautiful canticle of Simeon, which traditionally is called as Nunc Dimitis; “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you...

A Time to Withdraw to the Wilderness

I remember what a priest once shared, during the season of Advent, on how his mother prepared her children for the celebration of Christmas. This mother, though she was an illiterate and simple woman, had a very unique way of preparing her children for Christmas. On...

The Herald of Good Tidings

In the liturgical readings of the season of advent the book of Isaiah has a prominent place. Especially the passage, (Isa 40:1-11) in which we read about the voice which commands the herald of good tidings to “Cry out.” It is a solemn command to announce the good news...
Trials of Life

Jesus’ Triumphal Journey

We have entered into the Holy week by remembering Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem. In the synoptic gospels, Jesus’ life and ministry is presented as a journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. On his way to Jerusalem he calls some to leave everything and follow him, some...

Trials of Life

The Poor Are Our Masters

Pope Francis in his encyclical, The Joy of Gospel, when he wrote about the social dimension of Evangelization he mentions the special place of the poor in God’s people, by refereeing to some of the Gospel passages. Salva­tion came to us from the “yes” uttered by a...

Trials of Life

Remembering the Lord

In Kishwahili language of Africa, the Book of Deuteronomy in Bible is called “Kumbukumbu la Torati” which means “Remembering the Torah”. This name is very apt to this book because we find in it in many places there is a constant appeal to the Israelites to remember...

Trials of Life

On Love of God

One of the contemporaries of St. Vincent who influenced him on his journey of conversion was St. Francis de Sales. The two famous books of St. Francis de Sales, namely, “Love of God” and “Introduction to Devout Life,” played an important role in his spiritual growth....

Trials of Life

Come Holy Spirit

Archbishop Van Thuan, from Vietnam, in his famous book, Testimony of Hope mentions about an interview done many years ago with Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger of Paris. The Journalist asked him, “Do you believe in the existence of the devil?”           “Yes, I do.”  “But...

The Reality of Temptation

The Reality of Temptation

Once again we are in the season of Lent. The Gospel passage for the first Sunday of Lent always invites us to reflect about the Temptation of Jesus. Soon after Jesus’s baptism and descent of the Holy Spirit upon him Jesus was tempted by the devil. Jesus is entrusted...

The Reality of Temptation

Come… Let us Adore Him…

In the Gospel of Luke, we read  that the good news of birth of Jesus was first given to the shepherds. The Angel said to them: “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a...