Binoy Puthusery

On Love of God

One of the contemporaries of St. Vincent who influenced him on his journey of conversion was St. Francis de Sales. The two famous books of St. Francis de Sales, namely, “Love of God” and “Introduction to Devout Life,” played an important role in his spiritual growth....

Come Holy Spirit

Archbishop Van Thuan, from Vietnam, in his famous book, Testimony of Hope mentions about an interview done many years ago with Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger of Paris. The Journalist asked him, “Do you believe in the existence of the devil?”           “Yes, I do.”  “But...

The Reality of Temptation

Once again we are in the season of Lent. The Gospel passage for the first Sunday of Lent always invites us to reflect about the Temptation of Jesus. Soon after Jesus’s baptism and descent of the Holy Spirit upon him Jesus was tempted by the devil. Jesus is entrusted...

Come… Let us Adore Him…

In the Gospel of Luke, we read  that the good news of birth of Jesus was first given to the shepherds. The Angel said to them: “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a...

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