A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Nations, All Nations, Will Worship the Lord

Jesus is the light of the nations.  That is why to follow him means to welcome Gentiles from all races, tongues, peoples and nations. Ps 149, 6 asks that praise be on the lips of the faithful.  And swords in their hands to take revenge on the nations. Is it due to...

Faces of God, of Jesus, of Those in Need

Jesus embodies the blessing that God pours out on us through the Holy Spirit.  His face shines on us, so that our faces may mirror his. The faces of Mary and Joseph gleam since on them shines the face of Jesus.  He is the great eternal high priest (Heb 2, 17; 4, 14;...

Amazing and Challenging Good News

In an amazing way, God becomes the son of the human family, so that we may belong to the family of God. The parents find amazing what they hear about their baby boy. It is as though an angel never brought them the amazing Good News about their son. But that is how the...

Spread the Unbelievable Good News

A Savior has been born for us, who is Christ and Lord.  This is the Good News of great joy that the angel brings.  It must spread, for it is for all the people. The decree that there be a census cannot but spread.  And that is why those of the house and family of king...
Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Disciples to the bitter end

Jesus is the good Teacher.  He invites us to be his disciples. Jesus is resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem with his disciples.  There, he will suffer greatly and die on the cross.  The specter of a violent death does not make him turn back. Much less does...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Hidden still is Jesus’ messiahship

Jesus is God’s Christ.  His being so remains hidden, however, from those who lack compassion. Jesus backtracks.  He keeps hidden once again his being the Messiah no sooner than he has revealed it through Peter’s confession of faith.  The Teacher directs his disciples...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Shocking without any doubt

Jesus, the embodiment of God’s shocking forgiveness, provides us with the opportunity to love with abandon. It is shocking to Simon the Pharisee that his guest lets a notorious sinful woman approach him.  He doubts, therefore, that Jesus is a prophet. Simon and the...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Troubled unto a troubling death

Human misery leaves Jesus troubled, and he seeks that other people’s miseries leave us likewise troubled. The disciples and a large crowd accompany Jesus to Nain.  A large crowd from Nain is with a widow at her only son’s funeral procession.  The stage is set for a...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Generosity that is Eucharistic and priestly

Dying on the cross, Jesus consummates his generosity.  He thus stands out as the most compassionate of all, and the one and only supreme mediator between God and us. How admirable Jesus’ generosity!   Though rich, he becomes poor for our sake, so that by his poverty...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Surprises and more surprises

Jesus does not cease to surprise.  He uses surprises to teach us everything, through the Holy Spirit, and to guide us to all truth. What a surprise of surprises surely for the disciples to see their Teacher alive after his crucifixion and burial!  His entry into the...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Witnesses of Jesus throughout the world

Jesus appoints his followers to be his witnesses.  Are we so really and in a credible manner? Jesus tells the witnesses of his passion, death and resurrection: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,...

Kingly and Faithful Witnesses to the Truth

Intimate disciples of Jesus

Jesus wants us to be his intimate lovers, proven so through our keeping of his word.  He seeks to share with us, through the Holy Spirit, his Father’s love and genuine peace. In the first place, Jesus affirms that to love him truly means to carry out his word.  He...