A Vincentian reading of the Sunday readings

Cut off from Us All Self-Sufficiency

Jesus is “God-with-us.”  And that is why disciples should not cut off God and their neighbor from their lives. The man whose life is one of luxury and show is very rich:  stylish clothes, lavish banquets.  He is cut off, for sure, from the beggar; the two are worlds...

Money That Is Not Deemed Righteous

Jesus teaches us to worship the Father in Spirit and truth.  He also warns us that we cannot serve God and money. Jesus frets till he serves to the utmost and gives up his body and sheds his blood to save us.  Those who trample on the poor, on the other hand, fret...

Bother Those of Strict Observance

Jesus shows us God who is rich in mercy.  He welcomes sinners and eats with them.  This does bother not a few folks. Maybe the Pharisees and the scribes think Jesus likes to bother them since they are the guardians of the law.  For he stands up to them when they tell...

Followers of Jesus, Thinking, Wise

Jesus embodies what he teaches on being thoughtful and purposeful.  He asks all his followers to be so, and thus the success of the cross will be theirs. Great crowds go with Jesus on the way to Jerusalem (see Lk 9, 51; 13, 22).  He turns and tells them that to be his...
Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Out of love, Jesus lays down his life for us sinners. No one, then, loves us more. He is the best proof that to be God is to be love. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night. “Night” may mean he seeks light. Is he wrestling with “to be or not to be?” A question of salvation...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Flame of Blazing and Renewing Fire

Jesus is Lord! But we can say this only by the Holy Spirit. And only his flame can renew the face of the earth. The Holy Spirit comes with the strength of a driving wind that fills the whole house where the disciples are. And a tongue of fire or flame rests on each of...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Raise the Poor and the Helpless

Jesus has gone up heaven. And from his throne he looks down on earth to lift up the helpless from the dust and raise the poor from the dump (Ps 113, 6-7). Jesus tells his followers to wait for the Holy Spirit. And they quickly ask if it is time for him to raise up...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Defender, One in Three, of the Helpless

Just like his Father, Jesus gives justice to those in need and defends the rights of the poor. Still and all, he gets them another Defender. Jesus lifts up his own. They are sad as he says goodbye. And they have the hunch that woe is coming. Is it time to strike the...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Show Jesus so as to Show the Father

Jesus reveals the Father. We Christians must be like him to show him and the Father. The followers of Jesus show worry. For he tells them that one of them will betray him. And another, who says he will die for him, will deny him. Besides, they recently heard him speak...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Center of Our Whole Being and Our Life

Jesus is our only gate. And no one should be more in the center of our life than he. The shepherd is the center of attention of the sheep. For he leads them. He leads them out, and then walks ahead of them. So, no wonder that the sheep recognize and heed his voice as...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Remember Jesus, His Works and Words

Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and the Son of Mary, has risen! We should remember him and also preach him as our Good News (2 Tim 2, 8). We Christians love Jesus Christ although we have not seen him. And even though we do not see him now yet we believe in him...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Community of Christian Believers

Christ is alive! And those who keep him in the center belong to his community. They have the breath of the Holy Spirit and are true to their mission. Peter and the other disciple saw, and the latter believed besides. Mary Magdalen also told the disciples, “I have seen...

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Meet with the Risen Jesus Christ

Jesus is not among the dead; he has risen. It is our turn to find out how and where to meet him. Finding the tomb open, Mary Magdalen imagines the worst. So, he runs to where to meet Peter and the other disciple. Why does she think the worst? Probably because of what...