How do we define ourselves

How do we define ourselves

Fr. Tom McKenna  reflects on The Rich Young Man   (Mk. 10:17-22) and how we define ourselves in an essay “I …, Therefore I Am” “I …, Therefore I Am” In a philosophy class, a teacher asked, “What is your cogito?” I thought he meant some bone or other body part —...
Wide open

Wide open

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), November 8, 2015 – 1 Kgs 17, 10-16; Heb 9, 24-28; Mk 12, 38-44 Not a sanctuary made by hands but heaven itself (Heb 9, 24) Jesus urges us to see to it that our surrender be like his. He wishes us divine fullness. Everything...
Depaul International Newsletter

Depaul International Newsletter

The Depaul International newsletter is now available online. We hope you will be inspired by our new campaign ‘Dinners for Depaul’ to host a dinner for your friends and at the same time support Depaul International’s work for the homeless and...