Reflections from 5 years as a Junior Lady of Charity

John Freund, CM
November 4, 2015

Reflections from 5 years as a Junior Lady of Charity

by | Nov 4, 2015 | News

JR LOC AlbanyThe Ladies of Charity website contains a reflection by a Junior Lady of Charity. Mary Fritz shares the impact of her five years as a Junior Lady.

She writes

I can confidently say that being a part of this organization has enhanced my life in ways I never thought imaginable.

I first became involved with the Junior Ladies of Charity (JLOC) in 2010. A neighbor of mine, who at the time was an officer of the group, told my sister and me that we would be great additions to the Junior Ladies of Charity. I was originally hesitant, as I had never heard of the group, and had no idea what to expect. However, upon arriving at our first meeting, I saw how passionate everyone was about their service, and immediately decided that it was something I wanted to pursue.

Since our first meeting as skeptical middle school students, Maggie and I have each taken leadership positions among the group.

She concludes her five years…

As I prepare for my last year as a Troy Junior Lady before heading off to college, I feel a huge sense of despair. This organization has been the most influential aspect of my life over the past five years, and it is something that I do not want to lose touch with as I start the next chapter in my life. My hope is that, come the fall, I can become involved with, or even start, a Ladies of Charity group at the place I will call home for the next four years.

Be sure to read her full reflection.

See also…

Day of Reflection in Buffalo

“Vincentian Collaboration– Joy and Hope” was the theme of a Day of Reflection held on October 22 for the Ladies of Charity of the Diocese of Buffalo. Discussion followed the viewing of the thought-provoking video “The Line: Poverty in America, it’s not what you think.” Mass included installation of officers and enrollment of new members. […]
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