Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Niagarans Work Hand in Hand @NiagaraUniv

Sometimes two goals can work hand in hand. Mixing educational experience with concrete and valuable service is a hallmark of the Niagara University experience. Niagara University and Hand in Hand for Haiti signed a formal agreement in September 2014 in which NU...
A Vincentian View: Giving Your Best

A Vincentian View: Giving Your Best

A Vincentian View “Giving Your Best” I have been on vacation for the past two weeks.  I feel fortunate that these were the two weeks of the Olympic Games.  During the first week, I was with my two sisters and my brother’s family in Northboro, MA.  We spent much of the...
Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Jesus is the definitive divine word that teaches us to be humble.  He is also the perfect response of humility to the divine word. Jesus goes to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees.  Since the Pharisees love places of honor at banquets, one can suppose...
Values-Centered Leadership Certificate

Values-Centered Leadership Certificate

DePaul University is offering 10-week online certificate programs in leadership development, sponsored by Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project. “The values and practices of Vincent de Paul ground our approach to leadership development.  We know you will be as...