Your Sins are Forgiven

Lynn L'Heureux
August 22, 2016

Your Sins are Forgiven

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

“Your Sins are forgiven” – The Largest Room! – St. Anthony’s Bread – Christian Ways

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast, Repost from June 2013

 “Your Sins are forgiven.”  (Luke 36:49)

These words of Jesus are so beautiful in our lives.  We are forgiven no matter what we do.  It is the most amazing act.  God’s response to us is always forgiveness.  Our Christian response to others is forgiveness; it is a breach of communion that will cause turmoil in us if forgiveness is missing.  We know God never stops loving us.  Long time Catholics, involved in the RCIA process soon learn to truly embrace the faith and follow Christ willingly.  We see the transformation and we are evangelized by the new Catholics as they make a decision of the heart.

It is a true relationship of love and a commitment to be faithful to the one who loves us and has faith in us.  When God solves our problems, we seem to have faith in His abilities; when God doesn’t solve our problems He has faith in our abilities.  Our sins are forgiven and we live in Him.  Forgiveness, like love is a decision, not a feeling.  Practice saying, “I forgive.”  Let our Lord help you with this act.

The Largest Room!

“Do you know what the largest room is?” My parish priest asked at a weekday mass.  The answer is “Room for improvement!”  This got a laugh, but we also got the message.  Just sit in a quiet place and examine who you are and compare yourself to Jesus.  If you live in friendship with God, it is natural to give praise and share your grief and ask for things.  If we are true friends we should ask for improvement.  We have a good deal of time to improve.

Each new day offers us a new beginning.  The dawn is light for the soul as we ask the Trinity to improve us.  We already fill our room with our service to those in need.  However there is always room for improvement.  Your life will seem much more fulfilled if it is full of change for the good.  We all have room for improvement and it never stops.

St. Anthony’s Bread

St. Anthony’s Bread is one of the most touching aspects in the stories of St. Anthony who had an extraordinary love of the poor expressed most often by his feeding the hungry.  My neighbor told me of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Jamaica having a special St. Anthony bread day.  Many of the women made fresh bread and the Society delivered them to the poor.  This was done on June 13 each year.

Of course we believe and pray poverty will be removed for our rich towns and cities.  No one should be hungry, but they are and we have to pray and serve, to feed those in need.  We give them bread and we give it with love. We have to be the faithful friend of those in need as St. Anthony was.  Pray to St. Anthony to intercede for you in your delivery of bread.  We can use the same sense of love and giving in all those we serve.  Always bring the love to homes, hospitals, schools, prisons and to each other in our service in God’s name.

Christian Ways

Christian Ways are the ways of God.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard being a Christian is easy.  It is true, God gives us everything and He asks for everything in return.  We give our time, our talents and our treasure, but most of all we give ourselves.  As Vincentians we know going to Church is not just a weekly check in.  We continue Church in all we do, or at least we try to.

Our Christian way leads us to try new things.  We trust in God when He leads us to unchartered waters.  We trust He will lead and be a constant source of knowledge to us as we do His will.  We take His word and read and attempt to live each day with knowledge and trust in Him. The Christian way is the radiating light of God’s presence:  His love, His joy, His holiness, His peace, wisdom and His creativity.  The Christian way is to reflect Him in us to illuminate the way for others.  Let us reflect Jesus to everyone around us and especially to those we serve.




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