“Dream Dreams” prayer service

“Dream Dreams” prayer service

The wording of this prayer service was originally used at a Vincentian Family Gathering with Fr. Gregory Gay at the conclusion of his visitation with Vincentians of the Eastern Province, U.S.A. It is about dreaming… of expanding our vision, of increased...
Mercy on the Go: Mobile Confessional

Mercy on the Go: Mobile Confessional

Inspired by the Year of Mercy and answering Pope Francis’ call to concentrate on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and meet those in need where they are, the Diocese of Lafayette Louisiana converted a donated ambulance into a mobile confessional. It first rolled...
A Vincentian View: An Examined Life

A Vincentian View: An Examined Life

A Vincentian View: “An Examined Life” Socrates wrote: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  The sentiment gives color and force to the desire for making a retreat, a nightly examen, a preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation, a heartfelt psalm of thanks. ...