Vincentian Family at the U.N.

Negotiations Deepen for Global Compact

The last week at the UN, much energy was invested in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. NGOs and governments have been providing input into a zero draft of the Global Compact, which is expected to be approved later this year. One document...

Human Rights and Human Rights Defenders

As the world celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, atrocities against human rights defenders around the globe are on the increase. More than 120 activists campaigning to protect their land, environment and labor rights from...

Saint John’s Interns Boost UN Advocacy Through Social Media

Interns enhance our work at the UN in immeasurable ways.  One is their savvy with technology, which constantly either speeds advocacy efforts or provides a creative twist to it.  Using Prezi instead of power point for a presentation.  Spreading the word...

Vincentian Homeless Alliance Calls to End Unsheltered Homelessness

Vincentian Homeless Alliance calls upon the nations of the world to end unsheltered homelessness at UN Commission on Social Development “One of the most powerful images of global poverty is homeless people living on the streets of our major towns and cities” stated...

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